International Photography Awards – Best of Show 2022 Exhibition at House of Lucie, Budapest

We are pleased to share our most recent photo exhibition, which features the IPA 2022 Category Winners and a curated selection of other IPA winning images.

After its inaugural show in New York City in October 2022, The IPA Best of Show exhibition came to Europe on March 23, 2023, with an opening event at the House of Lucie Budapest Gallery. An international audience was captivated by the chosen collection of photographs, and the organization’s founder, Hossein Farmani, gave a moving speech emphasizing the significance of this award and the importance of photography as the IPA celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. He mentioned how the awards began with just a “handful of people in Los Angeles” and grew into a globally recognized event.

The Best of Show yearly exhibition was created to honor the IPA’s outstanding winners in both professional and amateur categories, as well as 30 extra images selected by our guest curator. The special exhibition has been displayed in cities all over the world in recent years, including Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Palencia, Athens, Budapest, Bangkok, Taipei, Beijing, and Tokyo.

Dr. Mark Sealy, OBE, is the guest curator for the 2022 edition. Dr. Sealy is Executive Director of Autograph (1991 -) and Professor of Photography, Rights, and Representation at the University Arts London – London College of Communication. He has this to say about the 2022 Best of Show selection:

“One of the key things I wanted to achieve in bringing these images together was a sense of community. Curatorially I wanted to open up a conversation, to hold up a mirror that reflects the concerns of those bold enough to speak through images.

Through the spectrum of this selection of images, I wanted to generate within the viewer a condition of responsibility and action towards greater social justice and cultural equity. The photographs presented here are often taxing. They ask us to play a role in building better futures.

I wanted this selection of images to offer the viewer a sense of purpose and belonging beyond borders, beyond ethnicity, beyond identity, beyond THEM and US so that the condition of WE gets amplified. Therefore, through these photographs, I invite the audience to recognise that wherever WE are, WE must take responsibility for each “Other”, and that commitment must be extended to all life on earth.”

In addition to Budapest, the Best of Show exhibition is also being shown in several other locations around the world, including Athens, Ostuni, Arnes, Taipei, and Kashan.

The exhibition was open to the public in the House of Lucie Budapest gallery from Wednesday-Saturday 14:00-19:00 until the 15th of April.

Opening Time: March 24 to April 15, 10:00-19:00
Location: House of Lucie, Falk Miksa Street 30, Budapest